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Being Soul Seen

Is it difficult for you to connect, deeply, with others? With your own soul? With your chosen destiny? As an adult, I love deeply, but my “little girl” has always felt a bit insecure. If you know yourself fairly well and me, you know that I have overcome some extreme challenges. I think that’s a requirement to be a soul connector.

I chose to make 2018 my year of connection. It’s easy for me to connect initially, but in the past I would ultimately flee to safety–the safety of my sanctuary where I have been taking care of that inner child for some decades now. I have learned how to love and treat her well!
I had another breakthrough last week where I realized that my daughter’s “I love you’s” this past year were a mirror. As I’ve been working on loving my inner/little girl, my daughter has been mirroring back to me as well, “I love you.”
I’ve been stretching and attending events in my chosen vocation of the quantum world of infinite possibilities. What has been different is that “I’m staying” out there and not running back for sanctuary. I am safe. I have mental and physical happiness. I surely have ease of well being. You may notice the metta (loving-kindness) practice here.
This morning after meditation and before attending my next life-affirming event, I wrote: “Content with being (me). No need to be accepted. I AM ACCEPTED. I AM ENOUGH. SOUL SEEN. Priestess/leader. I am a Validation Coach.” 
And the words of Rebecca Campbell, “Let your life be your story. Leaders have the courage to go first….shine a light on the path.”
I sat down in a circle of about 20 love beings committed to working their Light. The leader described how the circle would work, and I intuitively knew that I was about to receive some Amazing Grace. I was about to BE SOUL SEEN. I agreed and allowed folks, most of whom I didn’t know, to see me. I could feel the essence of their sincere words.
Each person took a turn sharing a gift with me–a card, a thought, an image, a message from Spirit. I cried tears of release and resonance for the next hour as they shared one by one. They were not only light workers today, they were MIRACLE WORKERS. Most of them will never read my blog, but I saw their souls today reflected in the blessings bestowed upon me.
One of these precious souls asked about whether I liked to garden. I shared with the group how I was guided to take the summer off and plant a soul garden. She’s growing up mighty fine. If you want to go soul deeper, or need some shared soul light to illuminate a path, I am here and would love to connect. Meet you at the garden.